A complaint has been filed in the United States of America on the 17th January 2022, at the Office of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. the chief legal officer of the U.S. state of Texas against individuals who are accused of being complicit in murder and crimes against humanity.
The complainant is a resident of Harris County Texas, Jack Boteler who is representing all interested parties who received the Emergency Use Authorization “investigational injection of genetic biologic material (mRNA or adenoviral DNA) coding for the Wuhan spike protein”
The complaint has extensive, detailed evidence to show that the accused jointly planned and executed the development and release of a biowarfare toxin with the dual objectives of global depopulation, and population control.
Their aim according to the complaint, is to ultimately lead to a one-world government by inducing panic, economic hardship, terror, death, and injury to global populations.
Who Are “They”?
Many of us throughout this two-year period refer to the people that orchestrated the greatest hoax known to man, as “they”. For example. “They” have created a “pandemic” as a trojan horse in order to usher in a New World Order. Or, “they” are violating our human rights, etc, but who exactly are “they”?
Boteler knows exactly who “they” are and has named names and while the majority of them are the usual suspects, and often cited as the perpetrators, there are a few names here that do not get enough exposure.
While they enjoy their relative anonymity, they are able to continue aiding with the alleged offences with little disruption to their lives. For this reason, the long list of names of the “they” in this complaint are named here, for which I make no apology.
They are:

Although an already sizable list of defendants, Boteler also includes any other person, governmental, or non-governmental organization, incorporated or not, including both U.S. and international media who knowingly aided and abetted the denial or restriction of access to therapeutic treatments for the Sars-CoV-2 virus and/or promoted or distributed Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) experimental gene therapy injections (Covid 19 Vaccines).
Psychological Warfare
The complaint alleges that the above perpetrator’s employed psychological warfare mechanisms, which include, media reports, public policy, coercion, deceit, mandates, bribes, travel restrictions, employment restrictions, free speech restrictions, liberty restrictions, and other tactics.
These mechanisms were used to induce the global population into receiving the pre-planned experimental gene therapy, an accusation which is supported by data and evidence which, although already vast is said to be only a small fraction of demonstrable, evidentiary material.
Factual Allegations
Much of this evidence is cited within a 30-page document which shows the international events that have occurred over many years which have contributed to the crimes.
Here is just a taster of just some of the events and the individuals involved which are cited in the complaint as factual allegations which include virus origins, vaccine development, and promotion, hospitalisations, and censored therapeutics and physician prerogatives.
Or take a look at the complaint here
Boteler has provided evidence that Fauci took steps as far back as 1986 to create a human dependency on vaccines by lobbying for legislation to relieve the pharmaceutical companies of liability through emergency use authorisation (source).
In 1998 Fauci went on to fund research at the University of North Carolina Chappell Hill (UNC) following Dr. Ralph Baric’s clone of the Corona Virus and amplifying the pathogenic “Spike’ Protein. A year later, in 1999 the Coronavirus was engineered as a bioweapon paid for by Fauci through NIAID. and later patented by UNC as the Sars Corona Virus in 2002 – a full year before anyone ever heard the name, Sars. (source) (Source) (source).
Between January 2014 and December 2020, Fauci, along with other named and unnamed Defendants, provided samples of biowarfare agents and funding to the Wuhan level 4 biolab for the purpose of continuing “gain-of-function” research. Fauci later told congress under oath that the purpose was not gain-of-function, evidence would later prove he lied (source) (source) (source).
Particularly notable is that in 2017 Fauci warned President Trump that he would be “having to deal with a major, global pandemic during his first term in office” video below
Bill Gates is well known for his involvement in all things “COVID” related, however, not so well known is the fact he convened a meeting around March 2013, which included Fauci, Eli Broad, Theodore (Ted) Turner, Warren Buffet, Oprah Winfrey, George Soros, William Gates Jr., and other Defendants.
The meeting which was held in New York although framed in less “sinister” terms according to the complaint, was for the purpose of planning a mass reduction of the World’s population, as evidenced in part by the presence of Dr. Fauci, the only non-billionaire believed there present. (source) (source) (source) (Source).
On the 17th February 2017, Gates predicted a world-wide pandemic at the 53 Munich Security Conference stating, “Bioterrorism has become feasible enough that a genetic engineer could use computers to create a synthetic airborne pathogen capable of wiping out a fraction of the world’s population quickly.
“The next epidemic could originate on the computer screen of a terrorist intent on using genetic engineering to create a synthetic version of the smallpox virus, or a super contagious and deadly strain of the flu” (source).
On the 9th November 2015, Defendant Ralph Baric, from the department of microbiology and immunology of UNC published A SARS-like Cluster of Circulating Bat Coronaviruses Shows Potential for Human Emergence, resulting from his research to create a virulent disease with manufactured “gain-of function”
The report which was directed and sent Fauci, stated: “Having established that the SHC014 spike has the ability to mediate infection of human cells and cause disease in mice, we next synthesized a full-length SHC014-CoV infectious clone based on the approach used for SARS-CoV.”
Baric also states: “to examine the emergence potential (that is, the potential to infect humans) of circulating bat CoVs, we built a chimeric virus encoding a novel, zoonotic CoV spike protein {. . . ] we characterized CoV infection mediated by the SHC014 spike protein in primary human airway cells and in vivo and conclude these results confirm that the DIV vaccine would not be protective against infection with SHC014 and could possibly augment disease in the aged‐vaccinated group.”(source).

Peter Daszak has been a relative lesser-known name in comparison to Fauci, Gates, and Rockefeller, yet appears to be very instrumental in the planning of the “Pandemic”
In 2015, Dr. Peter Daszak, who was then CEO of EcoHealth Alliance, in an address to the National Academy of Science, spoke on the need to promote a major pandemic, saying that “until an infectious disease crisis is very real, present, and at an emergency threshold it is often ignored.
“To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, he said, we need to increase public understanding of the need for MCM’s such as a pan‐influenza or pan‐coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics follows the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process”.(source).
David Rockefeller seems to be someone who had akways been very open about his plans for the global population, I guess it is true what they say, that the best place to hide is in the open, as although quoted many times for years, his statements never seemed to be taken seriously.
Rockefeller is cited in the complaint from 1984 where he is said to have opined on the need to end self-rule government (source) A decade later, he was still touting the benefits of a one-world government and population control which was quoted from his address at the U.N. General Assembly three years later,

In May 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation and Global Business Network published Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development, which outlines a scenario whereby World powers utilize a global pandemic, naturally occurring or man-made, that presents an opportunity to technocratically control humanity and reduce the size of the global population.
LOCK STEP Scenario, Narratives, depicted a world of tighter top‐down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback (page 18). This publication provided the framework and methodology for the planning and preparation of a planned biowarfare attack on the global population according to Boteler (source) (source).
More Pre-Planning Evidence
Rockefeller was not alone in the preparations for the future “virus” or Trojan horse aiding the acceptance of the NWO. T he complaint has also evidenced that the COVID “Pandemic” was pre-planned through:
- A 2019, WHO publication a “Worldwide Exercise in the Release of Respiratory Pathogens”, to facilitate a worldwide acceptance of a vaccine (source).
- An Executive Order in September 2019 for a “Warp Speed” development of a vaccine, Fauci later told congress (Dec 2019), that the President’s E.O. had authorised the mRNA vaccine development.
- October 2019, Gates, Fauci, Brix, the NIH, CDC and WHO, and associated conspirators planned, orchestrated and conducted Event 201 a practice run of their global response to their criminal enterprise (Source)
- September 2015, Richard Rothschild & the Pirbright Institute developed and patented the “Covid 19” Polymerase Chain Reaction (“PCR”) test kit, four and a half years before the discovery of the Novel Corona Virus (Source)
- January 2018, the World Bank, affiliated financing subsidiaries and associated entities, including the International Monetary Fund (“IMF”), financed the purchase of Covid 19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (“PCR”) Test kits for more than 50 countries world-wide.
Factual Allegations – Vaccinations
Additional evidence to suggest the whole event has been preplanned was also shown regarding vaccines. For example, October 2016, Defendant National Institutes of Health, and other parties, filed for US Patent WO/2018/081318 to create an injectable compound to cause the recipient to produce prefusion coronavirus Spike proteins.
This injectable is known as the “Moderna Covid 19 Vaccine”. A recently disclosed 2015, heretofore ‘Confidential’ Agreement between the NIAID and Moderna, show that the two jointly owned the vaccine when at the same time sharing the dataset with UNC’s Dr Ralph Baric.(source)
Boteler has also gathered further information regarding how defendants “named and unnamed” but including the CDC, WHO. NIH, fraudulently fraudulently coerced, mandated, tricked and conducted a criminal scheme to increase the fear and terror
among the global population by economically rewarding hospitals, physicians, governments, ministries and health service providers with pecuniary rewards up to US $400,000 per case for diagnosing substantially all sickness, morbidity and fatalities as being caused by Covid 19 (Source)
The vaccines were then hailed as being the answer to those fatalities, yet as of January 2, 2022, the VAERS weekly “Red Box” Report VAERS reached the “unprecedented milestone” of 1,000,227 injuries following coronavirus vaccines. In the 31-year history of VAERS, there are 9,248 reports of fatalities following all other vaccines.
Also, since the start of the coronavirus vaccine campaign there have been 21,002 reports of death following coronavirus vaccines.
It is noted, too, that after approximately 26 reported deaths the Swine Flu Vaccine was stopped. (Source)
The Boteler case, as far as we can see, has it all, and has cited the evidence to support his allegations. We wish him all the very best of luck with his case and thank him for bringing these crimes against humanity to the justice system.
Please if interested read the whole case here
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