We are so grateful for your support in these life-saving endeavors!

Over the last year, we self funded a medical mission in America, because if we didn’t drop everything and do so, many people in our local community would have died. During these successful hospital rescues, we brought our proven tools to everyone in America for free, and helped thousands of hospitalized victims by holding their hand through the process of advocating for the family, with midnight phone calls and connection to care in their communities.
Your gracious contribution toward our proven and continued mission, will help heal men, women and children in America.
From Tyranny to Triumph!
Hands for Health and Freedom is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Any gift you graciously contribute is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
If you’d prefer to mail your contribution, please send to:
Hands for Health and Freedom 21001 N Tatum Blvd #1630-445 Phoenix, AZ 85050
Help us spread the message of health and freedom!