Bonds for the Win – Hold Your Local School, Law Enforcement, and City Officials Accountable



A mother named Violet with a 16-year-old boy who has autism begged the schools to let her son have an exemption.

They refused. When forced to wear the masks he became distraught and he harmed himself so badly that he had to be hospitalized in a mental institution.

Violet obtained the bond for the superintendent of her school district. Turns out – The superintendent was carrying a $4 million liability per bond claim!!

So next Violet served the superintendent with a letter of intent to file a claim against her bond if she didn’t pull back the mask mandates, admit she was wrong, and resign within five days. The superintendent did nothing.

After day 6 Violet filed the claim against her at the bond company.

The very next day we have a recording from the lawyers who represent the district explaining that they have to get rid of the masks, all state and federal funding is BLOCKED, and the superintendent is on her own with regard to the $4 million claim!!!

They also put out a request for parent volunteers to substitute for teachers because their funding is CEASED due to an OPEN claim against them.

Another Organization is combining the Surety Bonds along with Filing Criminal Complaints, already prepared for you. See their strategy and sign up to participate here. It’s never too late to begin. Constitutional Law Group

Please note that if you are seeking civil litigation against a government entity or employee, a notice of claim (tort) is required in most states within 180 days from the date of the injury or incident. Make sure to file this notice, to give your surety bond claim more teeth and potential future recourse. Check your state’s notice of claim statues to determine the amount of time you have to file this notice.


Here I am at the post office, I will be sending certified letters today to obtain Sheriffs Bonds in my entire state you should do the same!!

You must look up your state codes and reference them correctly in these documents.  For state codes go to the menu above Surety Bonds -> State Codes -> Select your State.

The full video here.

My Letter for the Governor’s Bond

Governor Doug Ducey
1700 W Washington St.
Phoenix, AZ 85007

Re: Freedom of Information Act Governor Certificate of Insurance

Dear Governor Ducey,

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act, the Sunshine Act, and Public Records Law §39-121 et seq.

I request that a photocopy of the following documents be provided to me:

  • Copy of Governor Ducey Certificate Insurance Policy; Self Insured Plan as Defined By Statutes:
    • AZ Rev Stat § 38-101
    • Title 38-251. State officers and employees blanket bond; amount; approval
    • 38-253 Approval Of Bond; Filing
    • 38-254 Bond Premiums As Public Charge
    • Title 38-255. Recording of bond; copies
    • Title 38-256. Form of official bonds
    • 38-257 Justification Of Sureties; Officers Ineligible As Sureties
    • 38-258 Limitation Of Liability By Sureties
    • Title 38-259. Extent of liability
    • Title 38-260. Beneficiaries of bond
    • Title 38-261. Successive recoveries
    • 38-262 Defects In Form, Approval Or Filing Of Bond
    • 38-263. Additional bond; failure to file
    • 38-264 Additional Bond; Terms
    • 38-265 Liability On Original And Additional Bonds
    • 38-266 Judgment On Original And Additional Bonds; Contribution Of Sureties
    • 38-267 Discharge Of Sureties
    • 38-268 Bonds Of Persons Appointed To Fill Vacancies
    • 38-269 Withdrawal Of Surety; Effect On Remaining Sureties
    • 38-270 Supplemental Bond Upon Withdrawal Of Surety; Exception
    • 38-271 Effect Of Withdrawal On Liability Of Surety
    • Title 38-272. Affidavit of plaintiff in action to recover on bond that defendant owns real property; notice to recorder
    • 38-273 Recording Notice Of Ownership Of Real Property; Lien Of Judgment
  • Photocopy of the following document if applicable:
    • ACORD 125
    • ACORD 126
    • ACORD 127
    • ACORD 128
    • The documents should indicate the policy number and the insured amount of the policy.
  • Photocopy of the Errors and Omissions (E&O) if applicable.
  • Photocopy of the Duty of Care policy for the Governor.

I am a private citizen seeking information concerning Governor Ducey Certificate Insurance Policy; Self Insured Plan that all heads of the state are required to obtain.

Certificate of Insurance; Self Insurance Policy; an ACORD; the Errors and Omissions, and the Duty of Care Policy requests fall under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. § 552, The Sunshine Act 5 U.S.C. § 552b, Public Records Law §39-121 et seq., and by law you are obligated to supply me with this information.

Please supply me with this information within the next (72) hours. You are required by the FOIA act of Arizona to supply this information to anyone who asks for a photocopy of Governor Ducey Certificate of Insurance; Self Insured Plan, an ACORD, the Errors and Omissions (E&O), and the Duty of Care policy. This is also required by Insurance companies that you must supply your insurance policy to anyone who requests a copy of your policy.  

Please email me or send the photocopies of these documents to:

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[Your Email]

Thank you for your consideration of this request.


[Your Signature]

My Letter for the Sheriff’s Bonds

Maricopa County
Sheriff Paul Penzone
550 West Jackson
Phoenix, AZ 85003

Re: Freedom of Information Act Request 

Dear Sheriff Paul,

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act, The Sunshine Act 5 U.S.C. § 552b, Public Records Law §39-121 et seq. 

I request that a photocopy of the following documents be provided to me: 

  • Copy of your Public Official Surety Bond Arizona law: Title 38-255. Recording of bond.
  • A copy of your Public Official Blanket Surety Bond if applicable.
  • A copy of your Surety Liability Insurance Policy if applicable.
  • Copy of your oath of office.
  • Copy of Power of Attorney for the Surety Bond Company.
  • Copy of Power of Attorney for Blanket Bond from Surety Bond Company if applicable. 

I am a private citizen seeking information concerning your public official surety bond that you are required by the state of Arizona to obtain before swearing the oath of office. 

Public Official Surety Bond requests fall under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. § 552The Sunshine Act 5 U.S.C. § 552b, Public Records Law §39-121 et seq., and by law you are obligated to supply me with this information. 

You are obligated under the state laws of Arizona to maintain and preserve a copy of your bond. The State Revised code Title 38-255. Recording of bond; copies: Every officer with whom bonds are filed shall record them in a book kept by him for that purpose, preserve the bond and give certified copies thereof under seal to any person upon demand and payment of the fee for a copy and certificate. 

You are obligated to maintain a copy of your bond during the time you serve in office and for one year after your term has ended. You are obligated to supply me with a copy of this bond within (72) hours after receiving this request. If you fail to supply me with a copy of the bond you are in direct violation of the law. 

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[Your Email]

Thank you for your consideration of this request.


[Your Signature]

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