Recovery Protocol for COVID-related Pneumonia and ARDS

Horowitz and Mercola Protocols

Bethany Padgett – Doctor of Naturopathy, Ph.D. in Natural Health and Nutrition.

May 26

Reposted with Permission from Author

The illness known as SARS-CoV-2 leads to the experiencing of symptoms known as COVID-19; which leads to the body dealing with damage from the spike protein host-cell antigenic complex immune response.  The problems that tend to present from a clinical perspective are two-fold: 1) cell-mediated immunity causes a histamine release that results in smooth muscle contraction in blood vessels inducing asthma-like respiratory symptoms and 2) breathing complications linked to abnormal mucus production due to sensitivity and AhR (aryl hydrocarbon receptor is a protein encoded in the AHR gene) impact of the spike protein on the cilia and mucus producing cells.  The body finds it challenging to remove antigen-antibody complexes due to the damage done to the cilia which leads to sticky mucus restricting the oxygen flow to the bloodstream.  The result is the experience of asthma-like symptoms, ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome), suffocation, intubation and death.

      In order to survive and rehabilitate, the solution starts with quieting the artificial antigenic over-stimulation of cell-mediated immunity, balancing the histamine/antihistamine functions, supplementation, maintaining good hydration for mucus reduction and expectoration. The Horowitz Covid Protocol combined with Mercola’s COVID-19 protocol may be helpful in the recovery from pneumonia or COVID-related ARDS.  The following include some Natural Remedies that may help; including pH-adjusted hydration, anti-oxidant therapies, neutralizing the positively charged spike protein antigens, essential oils and supplements.

The following recommendations are considered nutritional antihistamines that can help with breathing and boosting the immune system:

  1. Vitamin C is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immuno-modulatory, anti-thrombotic, antiviral, and a powerful natural antihistamine.  It can be useful in counteracting asthmatic symptoms coupled with smooth muscle contractions caused by spike-protein antigen-prompted histamine releases.  Vitamin C can also act synergistically with quercetin.  The use of vitamin C as an adjunctive therapy for COVID-19 can be found here.  Research shows that Vitamin C acts as an anti-histamine when taken daily at 2 grams.  It is within the beginning stages of an immune response that histamine magnifies the immune response by accelerating the permeability of capillaries and smooth muscle contraction, therefore strengthening the flow of immune factors to any site of infection.  Vitamin C prevents the secretion of histamine via the white blood cells and it increases the detoxification of histamine.  It’s important to not only rely on supplementation to meet your Vitamin C needs; but, also on Vitamin C rich foods that offer flavonoids and carotenes.  Citrus fruits mostly come to mind as the best source of Vitamin C; however, vegetables, such as peppers, broccoli, and Brussel sprouts are also excellent sources of Vitamin C.   
  2. Quercetin is a flavonoid that acts as a powerful immune booster, a broad spectrum antiviral (against herpes type I, para-influenzae 3, polio virus type I, respiratory syncytial virus), has significant anti-tumor activity, and has shown compelling anti-inflammatory activity because it suppresses both the creation and release of histamine and other allergic/inflammatory mediators.  Quercetin is a powerful antiviral because it transports zinc across the cellular membrane, prohibits the replication of infected cells, minimizes an infected cells’ resistance to antiviral treatment and prevents platelet aggregation. As for it’s impact on Covid-19, Quercetin has been found to prohibit the spike protein from interacting with human cells, minimize cytokine production, regulate basic immunity, suppress inflammatory pathways, increase interferon response and inhibit the replication of RNA viruses.  The recommended (FLCCC Alliance I-MASK+ protocol) dosage range for quercetin is 250 to 500 milligrams per day.
  3. Fish oils are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which may help decrease inflammation in the lungs and may be helpful in alleviating asthma-like symptoms.  Fatty acids are known to play an important role in allergies and inflammation because they have the capability to form inflammatory prostaglandins, thromboxanes, and leukotrienes. The  two essential fatty acids are linoleic acid (omega-6 fat) and alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3 fat).  The fat found in cold water fish (salmon, mackerel, herring, halibut) is not actually considered essential because it can be manufactured from alpha-linolenic acid, the longer-chain omega-3 fatty acids, known as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaneoic acid (DHA).  Essential fatty acids are converted into regulatory compounds known as prostaglandins, which play many important roles in the body; as in blood clotting, inflammation and platelet aggregation.  Consider incorporating the following: a) reduce intake of meat and dairy while increasing intake of cold-water fish b) cook with coconut, macadamia nut or olive oil c) eliminate margarine, trans-fats and partially hydrogenated oil d) supplement with a high quality fish oil supplements that provide 600 to 1,200 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acids.
  4. Vitamin D supplementation is imperative as studies show that low levels of vitamin D are associated with worse COVID-19 outcomes.  Research indicates that higher vitamin D levels lower the risk of even testing positive for the virus. A level of at least 55 ng/mL had a 47% lower positivity rate for SARS-CoV-2 compared to those with levels below 20 ng/mL.  Optimal Vitamin D levels is one of the most simple and best ways to decrease the risk of COVID-19, as well as other infections.  Vitamin D is known to strengthen the immune system.  Check with your healthcare practitioner in order to obtain a Vitamin D level to help determine how much you should take daily.  Most adults require 6,000 to 8,000 units per day.
  5. N-acetylsteine (NAC) plays an important role in the production of glutathione.  Glutathione is known as the “master antioxidant” and a deficiency is associated with COVID-19 severity.  Studies show that NAC prevents the damaging  surge linked with cytokine storms which leads to COVID-19 deaths.  NAC may also help in the recovery of other lung-related issues, such as pneumonia and ARDS (both found in COVID-19).  COVID-19 is known to be associated with blood clots; however, NAC has anticoagulant and platelet-inhibiting properties. Finally, NAC could potentially be an effective therapeutic for SARS-CoV-2 due to it’s ability to increase glutathione, improve T cell response and modulate inflammation.  See supplement for daily dosage.
  6. Zinc is well known for its ability to help regulate the immune system and to help ward off viral infections.  Many studies have shown zinc’s ability to minimize the severity and duration of viral infections.  It is recommended to take 7 mg to 15 mg of elemental zinc four times a day on an empty stomach.  This is not to be taken on a long term basis; only until you recover from the illness.
  7. B Vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 and B12) have been studied for their role in SARS-CoV-2. B vitamins play a very important part in the functioning of cells, proper functioning of the immune system, energy metabolism and in lowering the risk of a cytokine storm. Poor intake of B vitamins is known to predispose to infections more easily.                                                          
  8. Melatonin is a hormone made by the pineal gland and is known to regulate sleep; however, it also boosts immune function and helps alleviate inflammation.  Melatonin may be helpful in the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 by boosting glutathione, regulating blood pressure (co-morbidity), improving metabolic flexibility (co-morbidity), supporting the integration of precursor cells for macrophages and granulocytes, natural killer cells, and T helper cells, and boosting vitamin D signaling.  Melatonin is best taken sublingually; either as a tablet or spray; allowing it to enter the bloodstream directly.  Recommended dose can be found on the supplement.

The following natural herbs may be considered anti-asthmatic botanicals that may help alleviate and treat asthma-like symptoms. (Horowitz)

1.  Ginkgo is a flavonoid (antioxidant) that diminishes capillary permeability, thrombosis and platelet aggregation.  Studies have demonstrated that ginkgo is effective in increasing peripheral blood flow, increasing energy, and decreasing blood clotting.  GBE may be used as a complement to the glucocorticosteroid therapy for asthma. Recommended daily dosage found on the bottle of the supplement.

2. Mullein is a plant with anti-inflammatory properties that can clear mucus, treat asthma, COPD, cough and similar respiratory conditions.  This herb is considered the “go-to” when needing a remedy for lung ailments.  The easiest way to use it for lung health is to drink mullein tea.  Typical daily usage is as follows: fresh leaf should be taken at 1-2 tablespoons, dried leaf can be taken at 2-3 grams, and the extract can be consumed at 2 grams in a cup of boiling water.

3.  Boswellia (aka Indian Frankincense) has been found to possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.  Boswellia was found in a study to reduce the need for an inhaler in those who suffered with asthma.  “The anti-inflammatory effects of Boswellia have led some researchers to suggest chewing Boswellia gum to reduce mild lung symptoms of COVID-19. However, more research is needed to confirm this add-on therapy.” (  There does not seem to be a standard dosage for Boswellia; however, studies involving arthritis showed that 100 mg to 1,000 mg were used daily.

4.  Dried Ivy leaves are often used to eradicate respiratory tract inflammation and congestion. Ivy leaf extract preparations have effects with respect to an improvement of respiratory functions of children with chronic bronchial asthma. This herb works as an effective expectorant that loosens mucus and phlegm in the respiratory system. Furthermore, Ivy is also used frequently for its anti-inflammatory effects which can help minimize allergies by blocking histamines. Ivy leaves are extensively used to alleviate asthma, bronchitis and for lung support. Consult the package for dosage information.

5.  Butterbur is a member of the sunflower family of plants and has multiple benefits; including treating seasonal allergies, relieving migraines, reducing symptoms of asthma and decreasing inflammation.  Butterbur is a powerful anti-inflammatory, expectorant, anti-histamine, powerful immune booster, anti-spasmodic and contains analgesic properties.  Butterbur is most often found in capsule form and studies indicate it is most effective when taken at a dosage of 50-75 milligrams twice a day.  It is best to start small and gradually increase to your tolerance.

6. Black seed (Nigella sativa) is made from black cumin seeds and is known for its health promoting benefits. The oil is valued for its antioxidant properties and ability to reduce inflammation.  Black seed oil is an excellent option for treating allergies, the common cold and flu-like symptoms. Nigella sativa supplementation may provide additional benefits for the treatment of asthma; research shows that the oil has anti-asthmatic characteristics and therefore relieves breathing difficulties by dilating the bronchial tubes The immune system is strengthened by the antioxidants, B vitamins, and healthy acids found in the oil due to it’s ability to balance the immune system to support healthy functioning.  Consume only organic black seed oil that is completely free of additives.  Taking black seed oil daily can be beneficial to general health.  For medicinal purposes take a teaspoon twice a day.

7. Choline is essential in making the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and it is a main element of cell membranes.  Choline therapy modulates immune inflammation and suppresses oxidative stress in asthma patients. Food sources for this essential nutrient include egg yolks, cauliflower, lettuce and liver.  Many choline supplements are made with a lecithin product and can be taken three times daily.  Use as recommended.

8. French maritime pine bark extract is also known as Pycnogenol and is a natural source of antioxidants.  In this study,  the effects of PYC was evaluated on airway inflammation using a model of ovalbumin (OVA)-induced allergic asthma and RAW264.7 cells. It is often recommended for heart and circulatory health, menopause, erectile dysfunction, high blood pressure, inflammation and diabetes.  Foods that contain pycnogenol include berries, wine, grapes, nuts, tea, apples and cocoa.  Recommended dosage is up to 200 mg daily and has been used safely for up to six months.

Other Helpful Nutritional Supplements:  (Mercola)

Multiple nutraceuticals were researched and reviewed to determine their usefulness against RNA viruses such as SARS-CoV-2:

  1. Elderberry Extract comes from a dark purple berry of the black elder tree and grows in the warmer parts of Europe, North America, Northern Africa and Asia. Elderberry has been found to shorten influenza by 2 to 4 days and reduce the severity of influenza.  Recommended dosage is 600 to 1,500 mg daily.
  2. Spirulina is a blue green algae that can be consumed by humans and animals. It has been found to reduce the severity and mortality in influenza.  A recommended daily dose is around 15 grams.
  3. Beta-glucan is made up of polysaccharides that naturally occur in the cell walls of bacteria, fungi and cereals (grains and grass).  Glucans are gaining attention as a food supplement and as an immuno-stimulant and potential drug.  There have been more than 80 clinical trials to study the biological effects of glucans.  Follow the recommendation found on the supplement.
  4. Glucosamine is an animo sugar and precursor in the biochemical synthesis of glycosylated proteins and fats.  It is often used as a supplement to support joints.  Glucosamine is also known to help reduce influenza infection and severity.  Recommended daily dose is 3,000 mg.
  5. Selenium is a mineral needed in trace amounts for cellular function and is a component of glutathione (master antioxidant).  A deficiency in selenium may lead to an increase in viral mutation rate; thus, allowing pathogenic strains to be able to circumvent the immune system.  Recommended daily dosage is 50 to 100 micrograms.
  6. Lipoic Acid is an organosulfur compound derived from caprylic acid.  Supplementing with lipoic acid helps to boost the type I interferon response, which is essential for the innate and adaptive immune systems.  See supplement for recommended dose.
  7. Resveratrol is a plant polyphenol found in high concentrations in red grapes (and other foods) and is best known for its antioxidant properties.  It has the ability to stop the replication of influenza A virus; see this study to read how resveratrol may be beneficial as an anti-influenza drug. See supplement for recommended dose.

Essential Oil Antihistamines to Help Breathing: (Horowitz)

These oils can be used daily via a mist-spray formula by combining a few drops of an oil(s) with Colloidal Silver.  The formula created can be utilized in three different ways; spray around self, inhale via a facial steamer, and/or spray in a steamy bathroom while bathing or showering.  One to three times daily participate in a form of this antihistamine respiratory therapy.

  1. Lavender is a potent antioxidant that protects against free radicals that lead to cellular damage, immune suppression and chronic illnesses.  Lavender is an antimicrobial and is useful against infections.
  2. Eucalyptus has been found to be essential in supporting the respiratory system and possesses anti-inflammatory benefits for breathing.  Most realize the benefits of eucalyptus for acute respiratory symptoms; however, published studies are showing that inhaled eucalyptus essential oil may benefit those with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).  Eucalyptus does work as an expectorant and is helpful when experiencing the flu or a cold.  Place several drops of eucalyptus oil into a diffuser to improve breathing and congestion.
  3. Rosemary possesses antihistamine and anti-spasmodic properties which makes it helpful in reducing congestion and wheezing.  Rosemary has also been found to have antimicrobial and antioxidant properties.  This is another excellent essential oil to add to your diffuser or to a warm bath.
  4. Tea Tree Oil has multiple uses (salve for cuts and wounds, antimicrobial) and is quite popular for that reason.  Tea Tree oil is also helpful when inhaled to treat respiratory illness and has been found to be effective in the prevention and treatment of allergies.
  5. Oil of Oregano possess a phenol component known as carvacol and is indicated for bacterial infections, fungal infections, parasites, viral infections, inflammation, pain and histamine reactions.
  6. Lemon oil is known to support the lymphatic system and can help overcome respiratory illnesses.  Studies have shown that lemon oil may inhibit bacterial growth and may boost the immune system.  Diffuse lemon oil in your home to counteract allergens.
  7. Peppermint oil is another versatile oil that may help with migraines, digestion and respiratory conditions.  Peppermint oil can be diffused or inhaled to clear sinuses, soothe a sore throat, act as an expectorant, and help with a cough due to bronchitis or asthma.  Peppermint oil can ease allergies due to its ability to relax nasal passages.
  8. Sandalwood is a class of woods from trees in the genus Santalum and possesses varieties of santalol molecules that have been found to be powerful and beneficial; some characteristics include sedative effects, is an antioxidant and  an anti-inflammatory.  Inhale Sandalwood to help reduce the effects of allergens as it can inhibit allergic reactions (runny nose, stuffiness, mucus).
  9. Camphor oil comes from the wood of camphor trees (Cinnamomum camphora) and has various uses; and because of it’santi-inflammatory properties is often used in rubs, balms and liniments.  It is often used to help respiratory congestion and can help ease coughing.  Research shows that the use of Camphor is safe, non-toxic and possesses some immune-stimulatory characteristics along with potent bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory properties. Studies show that camphor oil may effectively reduce the two main components of asthma disease (bronchial hyper responsiveness and airways inflammation).

Staying Hydrated:

     In order to combat the positively charged antigenic spike protein and the upper respiratory distress one experiences with Covid-19, it is imperative to drink alkaline (pH 8.0-9.5) water.  Drink at least half your body weight in ounces every day.  Staying hydrated is important to help thin and expel the mucus creating the congestion.

Prevention of illness by reducing stress:

     Managing stress is very important in disease and illness prevention.  During periods of stress, the immune system finds it more challenging to fight off infection.  High levels of stress is implicated in promoting inflammation, too. Quality rest and sleep are important for prevention and recovery.  Studies show “sleep and the circadian system are strong regulators of immunological processes”.  Lack of sleep has been found to increase inflammatory markers and an enhanced susceptibility to the common cold.  Numerous studies do indicate that regular prayer and meditation play a role in living longer and staying healthy.  Consider incorporating therapeutic relaxation techniques such as listening to music, meditating, reading, praying, walking in nature and practicing yoga.


Horowitz, Leonard G. “The Horowitz COVID Protocol for Personal Health and Immunity.” COVID Coup: The Rise of the Fourth Reich, Medical Veritas International, Inc., Las Vegas, NV, 2021, pp. 509-517.

Mercola, Joseph, et al. “Protecting Yourself from COVID-19.” The Truth about Covid-19: Exposing the Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports, and the New Normal: Why We Must Unite in a Global Movement for Health and Freedom, Chelsea Green Publishing, White River Junction, VT, 2021, pp. 85–110.

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By Bethany Padgett  · 

Natural Health and Nutrition

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